A Future Of Travel / The Journey Of The Artwork @NOKS Independent
Art Space, Istanbul
Amsterdam-based Corridor Project Space and NOKS Independent Art Space bring together stories about the journey of the artwork together with the exhibition "A Future of Travel: Journey of the Artwork".
Participating Artists: Ali Miharbi, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Ayça Telgeren
Berkay Tuncay, Borga Kantürk, Burçak Bingöl, Çağrı Saray, Eda Gecikmez, Elif Biradlı, eliföner, Fatma Çiftçi, Mehmet Öğüt, Özgür Demirci, Pınar Öğrenci , Sevil Tunaboylu, Suat Öğüt
Volkan Kızıltunç, Yasemin Nur, Yeni Anıt , Zeyno Pekünlü
In collaboration with NOKS Art Shipping Company and Corridor Art Warehouse and with the support of SAHA Association and Netherlands Consulate of Istanbul.
Future and travel unite —at least when the modern utopia is still alive— in the idea of progress. Today, we are living through and debating the points where this idea of progress is suffering and stumbling. Just as it is in other areas, the journey of an artwork is not comfortable at all. The fact that today’s artist is in a travelling mode, producing and exhibiting in different geographies, brings along the fact that the artwork is also in constant travel.
This exhibition, focusing on the transportation of the art objects and travel, takes place in cooperation with the NOKS Independent Art Space and the Amsterdam-based Corridor Project Space, and is the last leg of the Teotwawki* exhibition series launched by Corridor Project Space in 2017. The exhibition, which is the second part of the Future of Travel exhibition —the latest one after Future of Solidarity, Future of What, Future of Money, Future of Ecology and Future of the Archive exhibitions—, takes the experiences of artists on travel of the art objects and the stories emerging through these experiences as its main subject.
Teotwawki: [ti.at.wak.i] is an acronym for “The End of the World as We Know It”. It stands for the potential occurrence of a new and unexpected situation where daily life might suddenly shift. Civilisation, urban life, spoken and unspoken rules of society may change and people may need to develop new skills in order to survive. Let us think about predictions, forecasts and prophecies on various themes in the future. We will use the Teotwawki as a tool to dive into the intentions
Amsterdam-based Corridor Project Space and NOKS Independent Art Space bring together stories about the journey of the artwork together with the exhibition "A Future of Travel: Journey of the Artwork".
Participating Artists: Ali Miharbi, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Ayça Telgeren
Berkay Tuncay, Borga Kantürk, Burçak Bingöl, Çağrı Saray, Eda Gecikmez, Elif Biradlı, eliföner, Fatma Çiftçi, Mehmet Öğüt, Özgür Demirci, Pınar Öğrenci , Sevil Tunaboylu, Suat Öğüt
Volkan Kızıltunç, Yasemin Nur, Yeni Anıt , Zeyno Pekünlü
In collaboration with NOKS Art Shipping Company and Corridor Art Warehouse and with the support of SAHA Association and Netherlands Consulate of Istanbul.
Future and travel unite —at least when the modern utopia is still alive— in the idea of progress. Today, we are living through and debating the points where this idea of progress is suffering and stumbling. Just as it is in other areas, the journey of an artwork is not comfortable at all. The fact that today’s artist is in a travelling mode, producing and exhibiting in different geographies, brings along the fact that the artwork is also in constant travel.
This exhibition, focusing on the transportation of the art objects and travel, takes place in cooperation with the NOKS Independent Art Space and the Amsterdam-based Corridor Project Space, and is the last leg of the Teotwawki* exhibition series launched by Corridor Project Space in 2017. The exhibition, which is the second part of the Future of Travel exhibition —the latest one after Future of Solidarity, Future of What, Future of Money, Future of Ecology and Future of the Archive exhibitions—, takes the experiences of artists on travel of the art objects and the stories emerging through these experiences as its main subject.
Teotwawki: [ti.at.wak.i] is an acronym for “The End of the World as We Know It”. It stands for the potential occurrence of a new and unexpected situation where daily life might suddenly shift. Civilisation, urban life, spoken and unspoken rules of society may change and people may need to develop new skills in order to survive. Let us think about predictions, forecasts and prophecies on various themes in the future. We will use the Teotwawki as a tool to dive into the intentions
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Meat, oil on mdf em |